myspace civilized
phidias showing frieze of parthenon to his friends
moshi stylesheets broken?
To correct this, change the following line in the Junk DNA section from:
body table div div { margin-top:0; width:800px; padding-bottom:10px; }

body table div div { margin-top:0; width:auto; padding-bottom:10px; }

Thanks to TCT for noticing and fixing this! I'll update the stylesheets in the moshi repository.

Someone commented: Hey as of 2/1 something is "WRONG" w/ the v1.2 stylesheet??? I checked the sample and the garden and they are doing the same thing?? HELP!

I checked my profiles last night and verified that it is true. Not sure if it is a temporary thing or some kind of major overhaul of its majorly messed-up mark-up by myspace (that's alliterative.) And unfortunately, myspace is firewalled here at work so not sure when I'll be able to check it out.

Haven't found any other reports of major myspace breakage. And one would expect a there to be a major disturbance in the force if this was widespread. There was a serious security flaw reported at The Register. I suppose it could be related, but who knows?

Whatever the case, it should be expected that the current moshi stylesheets will break someday. It really needs to. Myspace profile markup really is a mess. When it does break, it should be replaced by something much simpler or, in the style of Blogger Beta, by markup that interfaces with a much more user-friendly interface.



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I'm sorry to alarm you like that but after as many hours I've put in teaching myself CSS and building my profile from your stylesheet, I was a bit taken back...

What I found out through trial and error was that this line seemed to be the suspect?

body table div div { margin-top:0; width:800px; padding-bottom:10px; }

So... I edited it to read this ...

body table div div { margin-top:0; width:auto; padding-bottom:10px; }

And it appears to have worked for my stylesheet? I hope that helps...

The Cyber Trekker =O),
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