myspace civilized
phidias showing frieze of parthenon to his friends
Year-End Summary
Over 1500 downloads of the moshi stylesheet since its release. Not earth-shattering but more than I would have predicted.

I should note that I have not been working on moshi for a while now and have no plans for the future. Too many other things to do.

I'm not absolutely positive the stylesheet hasn't been broken by recent changes, but if my profile is any indication, it still seems to work. Myspace continues to clean up its profile editor as it slowly dies and I don't have much more to add.

This blog will still be here as a reference, as will the moshi project page. Cheers and Happy New Year!
something not totally lame now available on myspace
Just go here:

You can hear the latest single from Café Tacvba. Can't download it. But for the time being, you can listen until you get sick of it.
It's not on the level of World of Warcraft or, say, nude photos of Lindsey Lohan, but it's still more than I would have expected. In just over a week, over a 100 people have downloaded moshi 2.0.

A few people have written to thank me and share their profiles. (No complaints or new issues yet.) I've created a wiki page for them.

If you have a comment, or just want to share your profile, feel free to contact me.
just in time for moshi 2.0
MSNBC declares myspace uncool.

click here for full Fark round-up

Of course, the myspace 95 thesis predicted this years ago. See #11.
moshi v2.0 released
At last! You can grab it from the repository or download the care package (includes a few image files you can play around with) here. Includes updated settings for custom banner, custom contact table, fonts and typefacing, and reflects the latest myspace profile markup.

Some links:
moshi 2.0 stylesheet
moshi v2.0 care package
release notes
bug reports

Some demos:

Labels: ,

v2.0 stylesheet beta released
The beta release organizes settings more rationally by grouping typeface and layout rules together.

find it in the repository: moshi v2.0 beta stylesheet

demo: moshi sample profile

There are some minor issues. Those can be found here: issues
invisible captcha
Trying to test the v2.0 stylesheet out on one more profile before final release, but encountering this:

Now I know what a blind person feels like trying to edit his myspace profile. I take it the myspace captcha server is overloaded at the moment.
IE7 mystery box
Look at the demo for the new moshi stylesheet in Firefox and it looks – well, if not perfect, then at least the way I more or less want it to. But check it out in IE7 and you get this:

Nothing in the code indicates the reason behind its appearance. I've tried every tweak I can think of to get rid of it. And still it remains, a real puppy ass mystery.

So for any super ninja web designers reading this, there is your challenge: make that white box disappear.

Otherwise, I'm just about ready to release the moshi 2.0 stylesheet.